Intereo, interis, pe. cor. interíui, vel intérij, interitum, pen. cor. interîre. Plant. To dy vtterly: to perish: to be staine.Interij.Terent.Alas I am but deade, or I am vtterlye vndone.Interire fame, Interire naufragio. Cæs. To die for hunger: to perish by shipwracke.A valentiore interire. Cicero. To be staine or destroyed of the more stronger.Aetas interitura. Hor. Morte interire, Ouid.To dy.Domus interitura.Ouid.Naufragus interijt.Ouid.He perished by shipwracke.Ira interit mora.Ouid.Anger weareth away in continuãce.Segetes intereunt.Ouid.Verba interitura Hor.That wil be cleane sorgotten.Intéritus huius intéritus, m. g pe. cor. Cic.Death: destruction: ruine: vtter decay.Interitus patriæ. Cicero. The vtter decay of our natiue countrie.Acerbissimus interitus, Vide ACERBVS.Afferre interitum, Vide AFFERO.Alienari ab interitu, Vide ALIENO.Interitu gaudeat illa tuo. Propert. Ad interitum redigere aliquid. Lucr.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
intĕr-ĕo, ĭi, ĭtum (perf. -īvi, App. M. 7, 7; sync. -issent, Cic. Div. 2, 8, 20 al.), 4, v. n.—Prop., to go among several things, so as no longer to be perceived (class.). I.Lit.: ut interit magnitudine maris stilla muriae,
becomes lost in it
, Cic. Fin. 3, 14, 45: saxa venis, become lost among them, mingle with them, Sever. Aetn. 450. — II.Trop., to perish, to go to ruin or decay, to die: non intellego, quomodo, calore exstincto, corpora intereant, Cic. N. D. 3, 14: omnia fato Interitura gravi, Ov. M. 2, 305: segetes, Verg. G. 1, 152: salus urbis, Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 55: litterae, id. Att. 1, 13: pecunia, Nep. Them. 2: interit ira morā,
, Ov. A. A. 1, 374: possessio, Dig. 41, 2, 44.—B.To be ruined, mostly in first pers. perf.: interii, I am ruined, undone: hei mihi disperii! ... interii, perii, Plaut. Most. 4, 3, 36: omnibus exitiis interii, id. Bacch. 5, 17: interii! cur mihi id non dixti?Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 42: qui per virtutem peritat, non interit, Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 32.— Hence, intĕrĭtus, a, um, Part., perished, destroyed (ante- and post-class.): multis utrinque interitis, Claud. Quadrig. ap. Prisc. p. 869 P.; Sid. Ep. 2, 10.