Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Inténd-ere, v. a. (V. tendere,)
1. to understand, comprehend with the mind, while hearing or reading. Dar ad —, to give to understand; 2. to mind, attend to. Io non intendo a quel che dite, I don't mind what you say; 3. to intend, design, purpose; 4. to esteem; 5. to hear; 6. to provide; 7. to stretch or pull out. — gli occhi, to fix one's eyes upon a thing. — l'arco,to bend the bow; 8. to indicate, denote; v. n.1. to understand, to have skill, be skilful in;2. to aim or drive at a thing, to have in view or prospect; 3. to have the intention, thought, or idea; 4. to agree with, be of one mind with.— in donna, to be in love with a woman; v. understand one another, to have a secret intelligence, play booty; s. m. Inténd-itóre, f. Inténd-itríce;adj. Inténd-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
intendere: or tendúto, to vnderstand or haue skill of. Also to intend, to purpose, to meane. Also to apply vnto. Also to listen or hearken vnto.