Indico, indícis, pe. pro. indixi, indictum, indícere. To denounce: to declare solemnly: to set a taxe or subsidie: to appoint or cõmaude.Indicere bellum.Cic.To denounce or proclaime warre.Bellum indicere populis.Ouid.Bellum indicere voluptatibus: per translationem dictum. C. To resist and striue against sensualitie and pleasure.Bellum indicere ventri. Horatius. To fast: to refrayne from meate.Sibi bellum indicere. Cice. To hurte bexe and torment himselfe.Tibia indixit choras. Virgil. The pype or flute called them to daunsing.Cœoam indicere alicui. Mart. To bespeake a supper for one: to tel that one wil sup with him: to command a supper to to be be prepared.Consilium indicere.Liu.To appoint or command a coÛsaile.Diem indicere pugnæ.Liu.Ferias indicere, Liu.To proclaime an holy day to be kept.Funus indicere. Sue. To publish or proclaime a solemne interment or funeral to be kept.Funus indicere Reip.Cic.To appoint that which will be the ruine of the common weale.Templis indicit bonorem. Vir. leiunia indicere. Horatius. To publish or denounce a cõmon fasting.Inimicitias indicere.Cic.To denonnce and declare himselfe an enimie.Indicte & apertæ inimicitiæ, cui Tacitæ opponuntur.Cic.Iustitium indicere.Cic.To command a vacation, or no terme to be kept in matters of the lawe.Sibi legem innocentiæ indicere.Cic.To addict himselfe to line vprightly.Indicitur mercatus.Cic.To proclaime a marte or fayre.Multam indicere. Plin. To set a fine.Mortem indicere. Tac. Nuptias indicere. Quin. To appoint the day of mariage.Odium indicere pecuniæ. Sen. To be vetermined to hate.Spectacula indicere.Liu.To proclaime plaies or sightes.Supplicationem indicere. Cæs. To proclaime a solemne procession.Tributum indicere populo. Li. To appoint the people to pay a tare or tribute.Indictus. Adiect. Commanded: published: denounced solemnly.Dapes indictæ.Ouid. Indictus, non dictus. Ter. Not spokemnot defended: not declared.Indictum ore alio. Hor. Quod dictum indictum est. Ter. Vnspoken againe.Indicta causa damoari. Ci. To be condemned not hauing his cause declared or defended.Causa indicta animaduertere in aliquem.