Index, indicis, pe. cor. com. g. Ci. An accuser or appeacher, an vtterer, discloser, or bewrayer of himselfe and other: the foresinger: the table of a booke.Falsus index.Sal.A false accuser.Accedere aliquem indici, Vide ACCEDO.Index & vestigium alicuius rei. Cicero. A signe or token of a thing.LeonÛ animi index cauda, sicut & equorum aures. Plin. The token of the Iyons stomacke is the taile: like as the eares are in a horseIndex libri, Cic.The table of the booke.Index morborum, fere est arteriarum pulsus. Plin. The pulse most commonly sheweth the disease.Orationis indicem vocem habemus. Ci. The vtterer of oure talke. Index pectoris, color & macies. Ouid.Voluntatem erga me vestrarum index vox.Cic.Your voice is the vtterer of, &c.Sine duce, sine indice peruenire ad aliquid, Ci.Without any leader, or guide to shew the may. Index.Ouid.A touche none.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
index, dĭcis, com. [1. indico], he who (that which) points out, a pointer, indicator (class.). I.Lit.A. Of things. 1. Of the forefinger, index-finger.(a). With digitus: indice monstraret digito, Hor. S. 2, 8, 26; Isid. Orig. 11, 1, 70.—(b). Alone: sed plane pollex, non index, Cic. Att. 13, 46, 1. — 2. In gen., an index, sign, mark, indication, proof: complexus, summae benevolentiae falsi indices in amore simulato, Cic. Phil. 11, 2, 5: quia continetis vocem, indicem stultitiae vestrae, id. Rab. Perd. 6, 18: auctoris anulus index, Ov. P. 2, 10, 3: lacrimas paenitentiae indices profuderunt, Curt. 5, 10, 13: herbae horarum indices heliotropium ac lupinum, Plin. 18, 27, 67, 252: imago animi vultus, indices oculi, Cic. Or. 18, 60: Janum indicem pacis bellique fecit, Liv. 1, 19, 2.—B. Of persons. 1. In gen., one who indicates or discloses, a discoverer, director, guide, informer, discloser, witness: haec omnia indices detulerunt, rei confessi sunt, Cic. Cat. 4, 3, 5: Sestius ab indice Cn. Nerio de ambitu est postulatus, id. Q. Fr. 2, 3, 5; id. Clu. 7, 21: immittere ad rei probationem, Just. 32, 2 fin.: idem et testis, Tac. A. 4, 28.—2. Esp., in a bad sense, an informer, betrayer, spy: Catilinam vallatum indicibus atque sicariis, Cic. Mur. 24, 49: saeptus armatis indicibus, id. Sest. 44, 95; id. Vat. 10, 24.—II.Transf.A. Of books. 1.A title, superscription: deceptus indicibus librorum, Cic. de Or. 2, 14, 61: alteri (libello) Gladius, alteri Pugio index erat, Suet. Cal. 49: index orationis P. Scipionis nomen M. Naevii habet, Liv. 38, 56. — 2.An index, catalogue, table, list, summary: ut non indicem certe ex bibliotheca sumptum transferre in libros suos possit, Quint. 10, 1, 57: philosophorum, Sen. Ep. 39, 2; cf. Gell. 3, 3, 1: hactenus omnia jura quasi per indicem tetigisse satis est, Gai. Inst. 3, 54: quasi per indicem rem exponere, id. ib. 4, 15: fungar indicis partibus, Plin. Ep. 3, 5, 2.— B. Of paintings or statues, an inscription: nec quaeris, quid quaque index sub imagine dicat, Tib. 4, 1, 30: tabula in aedem Matris Matutae cum indice hoc posita est, etc., Liv. 41, 28, 8.—C. Of a touchstone: in durum silicem, qui nunc quoque dicitur Index, Ov. M. 2, 706.