Indébitum, indébiti, n. g. Substantiuum. Paul. A thing that is not due.
Indebitus, pe. cor. Adiect. vt Fletus indebitus naro. Seneca. Not due, not owen of duety to thy sonne.Pecuniam indebitam soluere. Cels. To pay mony that is not due.Præmia non indebita poseo.Ouid.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
in-dēbĭtus, a, um, adj., that is not owed, not due (poet. and post-class.): non indebita posco,
I ask nothing that is not due to me
, Verg. A. 6, 66: praemia, Ov. H. 16, 9. — Subst.: indēbĭtum, i, n., that which is not due, the performance or payment of which is not due: solvere, Dig. 12, 6, 65; Paul. Sent. 4, 3, 4; Gai. Inst. 3, 91 al. —Hence, adv.: indēbĭtē and indēbĭtō, without just cause, unduly (post-class.). (a). Form indebite, Dig. 22, 3, 5, 4.—(b). Form indebito, Dig. 12, 6, 25 fin.