Incido, incidis íncidi, pen. corr. incâsum, incidere. Ex in & cado compositum. Plin. To fall sodainely: to happen: to come by chaunce.Ad terram incidit.Virg.It fel to the gronnd. Incidere.Cic.To happen: to chaunce.Quod io id Reip. tempus non incideris, sed veneris. Ci. That you came to be officer in that time, not by chaunce, but of your owne purpose and wil.In seruorum ferrum & manus incidit.Cic.He fel by chauuce into the weapons and bandes of serua untes.Incidere in æs alienum.Cic.To fal into dette.Incidere in amorem.Cic.To fal in loue.Incidere in contentionem.Cic.To fal in debate.In honorem, gloriæúe cupiditatem incidere.Cic.Si rectè ambulauerit is qui hanc epistolam tulit, in ipsum tuum diem incidit.Cic.If be made speede in his iourney, % caried this letter, be came euen inst at your day appointed,Incidunt in eum diem mysteria.Cic.Solemnieies are kepte on that day.In discrimen.Cic.To fal in daunger.In errorem incidere. Quin. Eunti & in cuntem incidere. Cice. To happen to meete with one going.In febriculam incidere.To fall into a small feuer.In foueam incidit bellua.Cic.In fraudem.Plaut.To happen into inconueniencie and losse.In eandÊ fraudem ex hac re, atque ex illa incides. Ter. Thou shalt fal into the same inconuenience.In furorem & insaniam incidere.Cic.To become furious & mad.In lapidem. Var. To fal or hit against a stone.In libros alicuius.Cic.-ego in eum incidi infœlix locum, Vt, neque, &c. Te. I happened or fel into that case or inconuenience, that, &c.In luctum.Cic.To become sorrowful.In malum. Ter. In manus hostis. Cic.Ex aliquo sermone in memoriam & recordationem aliquorum incidere. Ci. By certaine wordes to chaunce to remÊber and speake of.Casu in eorum mentionem incidi. C. By chãce I mÊciouedDeimprouiso in milites incidere. Ci. In morbum.Cic.To fall sicke.In nomen alicuius. Ci. To happen to speake of one and name him. By chance to name him.In menm patrocinium inciderunt. Quin. It happened that I desended them.In eum sermonem incidimns, qui tum ferè multis erat in ote Cic.We thanced to talke of that, which then was in many mens mouthes.Ego in varios sermones incidebam.Cic.By chance I talked of diuers matters.In suspicionem regui apperendi.Cic.To be suspected to desire a king dome.In vitium.Cic. Incurrere atque incidere in aliquem.Cic.To happen and chance to meete with one as he goeth.In aliquem incidere & complecti.Cicer.By chance to meete with one and imbrace him.Incidit in idipsum quod timebar. Ci. He happened euen vpon that, that he feared.Incidit mihi in mentem hæc res. Ter. That thing came by chance into my remembrance: it fortuned me to remember this thing.Quodcunque inciderit in mentem, volet. Ter. Vt aliud ex alio incidit. Te. As happily one thing commeth to mind by reason of an other.Incidit amori nostro calamitas. Te. Some trouble happeneth to our loue.Incidunt sæpe causæ, quum pugnare vtilitas honestati videatur.Cic.Diuers chaunces oftentimes do fall.Nonus incidit error. Propert. Flamma incidis in segeres. Vir. Nibil mali ciuitati incidit quod non, &c.Cic.There is no mischiefe happened to the common weale, that, &c.Incidit mentio de. Philippo & Romanis. Li. They chanced to make mencion or speake of Phllip and the Romanes.Incidit animis metus tacitus.Liui.They began to conceiuea priuie feare wythin themselfe.Incidit pestilÊtia grauis per vrbes.Liu.A great plague happened throughout the citie.Incident ruinæ capitibus nostris.Liu.The mischiefe thereof wil fal vpon our owne heades.Saxum ex spelunca in crura eius incidit.Cic.A stone fell by misfortune vpon his legges.Incidit sermo de Catulo Massalino.Plin. iun.By chance they talked of Catulus.Quî isthæc tibi: incidit suspectio. Alij suspicio? Teren. Howe came it vpõ you, or how fel it into your hed to suspect this:Suspicio de me incidit, me psaltriam hanc emisse. Ter. They happened to suspect, that I, &c.Incidunt sæpe tempora, quÛ ea quæ maximé videntur. &c. Cic.It happily commeth to passe ostentimes, when, &c.Incidit terror exercitui. Cæsar. A greate feare came vpon the armie.Manibus tremor incidit. Hor. Their handes quaked. Incidit sæpe vt, &c.Cic.It oftentimes chaunceth or cõmeth to passe, that, &c.Rarò incidebat vt secundæ classes vocarentur.Liu.It chaunced seldome.Incidit infœliciter, vt talem ciuem amitteremus.Liu.In an il time was it our fortune to leese such an excellēt citizen.Si quis eiusmodi fortè casus inciderit, vt id faciendū sit. Cice. If it happly so chance to come to passe, that, &c.Fortè ita incidit vt comitijs perfectis nuntiaretur, &c.Liui.By chaunce so it fortuned that.Fortè ita inciderat ne duo vio lenta ingeniamatrimonio iÛgerentur.Liu.It haply so came to passe, that two outragious natures were not matched in mariage.