Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Inchiná-re, v. a. & n.
1. to lower, cast down; 2. (fig.) to humble, cast down, depress, debase. — l'altrui fierezza, to abate one's pride. — il capo, to submit, to yield; 3. to condescend, comply, submit, or yield. — le orecchia, to give ear; 4. to bow; 5. to nap, take a nap;6. to nod, to assent, to affirm with a nod; 7. to bow, to bow down, to bring lower, to lower.— gli occhi, to look downwards, to cast one's eyes down; 8. to set, to go down (as the sun at night); 9. to bend. — l'animo a qualche cosa, to bend one's mind to something, to have a natural genius for any thing; adj. Inchiná-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English