In, vel inter reos referre. Ci. To admit an accusation broughte against one as lawful.Salutem alicui referre. Ci. To salute againe.Retro referre.Virg.Saporem salis referre. Vir. To haue a tast like salt.Se referre.Virg.To returne againe home.Domum se referre, Idem. Hor. Ab æstu se referre. Ou. Se in gregem suum veterem referre. Ci. To returne againe into his old company and packe.Se ad ordinem referre. Ci. To returne to his order againe.Se ad studia referre. Ci. To apvly himselfe to studie of learning againe, to fal to, &c.Senium parentis referre. Col. To resemble the old age of his sire.Similitudinem referre. Pli To resemble.Sonum eundem referre in cadendo. Ci. To sound like, &c.Pro re certa spem falsam domum retulerunt. Cicero. They brought home.In spem sibi aliquid referre. Pla. To haue an hope of a thing.Referre omnia ad vnam summam. Ci. To referre al to, &c.In tabulas siue tabellas referre.Cic.To put or write into a register.In tectum referre. Var. To bring vnder couert.Retulit me ventus ad, vel in Italiam. C. The winde brought me againe into Italie.Vicem referre.Ouid.To requite or do the like.Nec incruentam victoriam retulit.Liu.Hee got not the victorie without losse of men.Theatrum ita relonans. vt vsq; Romam voces referantur. C. Referre omnia voluptatem. Ci. To do al to the end to liue in pleasure: to put al his felicitie in pleasure. Referre. Vir. To render or restore.Nisi argen tum referas.Plaut. Referre.Virg.To rebearse: to recite: to tell.Ordine refetre.Ouid.To tel in order.Acta memoranda referre.Ouid.To declare notable actes & worthie remembraunce.Dicta referre.Ouid.Pauca referre.Virg.To aunswer a word or two.Facta referre. Hor. Pugnas referre. Ouid.Palm facta referre.Ouid.Vera referre.Ouid.To tel things true.Tales referebat pectore voces. Vir. Talia voce refert. Vir. This spake he againe.Ad aures alicuius referre aliquid Ouid.Vna feminarum in omni æuo refertur. Plin. She ouly of al women that cuer were is declared. Ego tibi refero, si non sum ex eo loco deiectus, &c.Cic.I speake to you: I aske of you, if, &c.