Imus, ima. imum. The lowestithe deepest.Fundo voluuntur in imo Vir.In the bottome.Summus & Imus, contraria.Cic.Ima auris. Plin. The nether soft part of the eare.In imo corde. Vir. In the bottome of his hart.Ab imis faucibus vocem adhibere. Author ad Heren. lib. 3. De gradu imo tollere aliquem. Horat. To auaunce one from low estate.Imo á pectore, vel de pectore.Virg.From the bottome of his harte.Imus pes. Plin. The sole of the foote.Imæ radices montis. Cæs. The very bottome of the hil.Ab imis radicibus eruere segetem.Virg.To pluck vp by the very rootes, or rootes and all.Sensibus imis reponere aliquid. Vir. To kepe surely in mind: to keepe in deepe remembrance.Imus sonus. Plin. The base in song and musick.Ima de stirpe recisum. Vir. Sub ima tellure. Vir. A vertice ad imos talos. Hor. From the crowne of % heade to the sole of the foote.Ima pedis. Vir. The sole of the foote.Imum vmbræ angustissimum. Plin. The bottome of the shadow is narrowest.Ima petuot pilces.Ouid.Fishes goe to the bottome.Ab imo suspirare.Ouid.To fetch a deepe sigh.