Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Umór-e, s. m. dim. Umór-étto, Umór-úzzo, disp. Umór-áccio,Umór-ázzo , Umór-ucciáccio,
1. humour, moisture, humidity;2. humour, phlegm; 3. humour, temper, mood, genius, disposition. Non sono d'— di scriver oggi, I am not in humour to write to-day. — malinconico, hypochondriacal humour; 4. humour, fancy, whim, whimsy. Bell'—, a humoursome or whimsical man. Non fate il bell'—, none of your tricks, I pray. Dar nell'—, to please, gratify. Fare il bell'—, to be fastidious. Dar beccate all'—,to be in a brown study. Fermare gli umori, to appease anger.