Hora, buius horæ. An houreitime: a day: a yeate.Hora amplius.Cic.Abone an houre.Hora ante præsidium meum Pollentiam venit. Brutus ad Ciceronem. An houre before.Hora aoni, pro parte, Plin.The time of the yeare.Vbi genitalis anni stimulauerit hora Pli.When the time of the yeare wherein they doe ingender, doth moue them.Punctum horæ. Hor. Atrox hora caniculæ flagrantis. Hor. The sharpe season of the Caniculat dayes.Bona hora. Mart. Crastina. Vir. To mortom.Diurnæ horæ. Vr. Extrema hora. Vir. Funesta. Lucan. Horæ legitimæ. Cic.Lunares. Lucan. The times when the moone is in hit chiefe force and operation.Hora matutina, meridiana, vespera. Pli. Morningtide: noonetide: eneuingtide.Mobilis. Horat. Nouissima. Ouid.Septembres horæ. Hor. The month of September.Sinistra hora.Ouid.An vnfortunate houre.Solida. luuen. An hole houre.Tempestiua hora narratibus. Oui. Horæ veloces.Ouid. Dum bæc dicit, abijt hora. Te. While he talked this % time passed: or an help howre passed.Admouere mors horam. Lucan. vide ADMOVEO. Collocare horas. Mart. To bestowe.Consumere horas suauissimo sermone.Cic.To passe % time with most plensant talke.Nos flendo ducimus horas. Vide DVCO. Partirt horas cutis. Quiot. To disteidute time, and appoints part to thys businesse, and part to that.Grata superneniet quæ non sperabitur hora. Hor. Vti suis horis. Ci. To vse the space and time appointed him. Ab hora tertia.Cic.After three of the clock forewarde.Ad hanc horam.Cic.Ad horam vnam expectare. Cæ. To abide looking for one an houre.In hora vna. Plant. Cic. Vide IN. In horas. Hor. Euery houre.Commutare in horas.Cic.In horas expectare. Plin. In horam viuere.Cic. Vide IN. Hora, pro die.Cic. Hic cu fortasse eris diligens, nequam ego horam de meis legitimis horis remittă. That I let passe no day. Omnium horarum hominem veteres appellabant cÛ, qui lerijs pariter ac iocis esset accommadatus. Quint. A man tea. dy at all assayes.