Hispánia, A countrey in % west part of Europa, called Spain, sometime called lberia, and Hesperia. It is inuironed on the south part with the sea Mare Mediterraneum, which deuideth Europe from Affrike: on the north parte with % sea Mare Cantabricum: on the weast, with the greate Ocean sea: on the east with the mountaynes Pyrenæi, and the part of the realme of Fraunce called Aquitania and Narbonensis. This coñtrey is deuided by Ptolomee into three Regions: Bethica, wherein is Granado, Siuill, Corduba, &c. Lusitania, wherein is Portugall, Gallecia, &c. Tarrhaconensis, wherein is Castile, Lions and Arragon. At this time it conteineth fiue Realmes, Granado on the south part toward Affrike: Portugall on the west: Gallecia, and Biskaie on the north: Arragon on the east: Castile and Lions in the middle. Muche of the west parte by reason of rockes, forrests, and for lack of water, is not fertile nor well inhabited. The north part by reason of much colde is not plenteous. The south part is wonderfull fruitfull. It is in length (as Strabo writeth) 6000. furlongs, whiche is 850. myles. In breadth 5000. furlongs, which is 625. miles. Plinius (next vnto Italie) extolleth it in fertilitie, aboue all other countreys. Solinus compareth it with the best countreyes in plentie of grayne, wynes, oyle, siluer, golde and yron. Statius and Claudius doe no lesse commend it.
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