2. pres. ch'io abbia, &c.) 1. to have, possess, hold. — al sole, to possess landed property; 2. to obtain; 3. to esteem, consider, value; 4. to be, exist. Havvi molta gente, there are a great many people; 5. to know, discover. Il medico ebbe la cagion del male, the doctor discovered the cause of the disease; 6. to cause to be fetched or brought.Mandò per quest'uomo, ed ebbelo in luogo secreto, he sent for this man and had him brought into a secret place. — a, or — da —,to be a creditor. Avere placed with a or dabefore another infinitive, has the force of dovere. Ho a leggere, I must read, &c. Averebefore infinitives with che, means, to have something to do. Ho che leggere, I have something to read, &c. Avremo che mangiare, we shall have something to eat. — a caro, to accept, approve of. — per male, to take amiss. — a mente, a memoria, to remember, bear in mind. — amore, to have an affection for. — a noja, to hate. — appetito or fame, to be hungry. — sonno, to be sleepy. — paura,to be afraid. — bisogno, to need, to be in want of. — a schifo, to loathe. — a vile, to despise. — pietà, compassione, to pity. — corso, to be current. — cuore, to be courageous. — cura, to take care. — fretta, to be in a hurry. — torto, to be in the wrong. — ragione, to be in the right. — giudizio, to be judicious. — in mano, to be in one's power. Averla con uno, to be angry with one, to bear a person a grudge. — mal talento, to have a bad intention. Avere per, with a participle past of some verb, means, to consider, regard as. — per andato, to consider one as dead. L'ho per andato, I look upon him as dead. — una cosa per grazia, to have something as a favour. — piacere, to be glad. — riguardo, to consider, to have a regard for. — sembiante,to seem, to have the appearance. — a caro, to be glad. — voglia or volontà, to have a mind; part. Av-énte.