Hamâtus, pen. prod. Adiectiuum. Cic.Hooked: garnished wyth bookes.Hamata inter se & perplicata corpora. Lucre. Bodies intangled and wrapped one within theother.Arundo hamata. Oui. An arrow with an hooked head.Hamata munera. Plin. iumor. Hooked giftes giuen for anuantage to drawe an other benefite.Sagittæ hamatæ.Ouid.With hooked heades.Sentibus hamatis implet præcordia. Oui. He filleth my hart with pinching care and sorrow.Vngues hamati.Ouid.Crooked tallons.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
hāmātus, a, um, adj. [hamus], furnished with a hook, hooked.I.Lit.: ungues, Ov. M. 12, 563: harundo, id. ib. 5, 384: sentes, id. ib. 2, 799.—B.Transf., shaped like a hook, hooked, crooked: hamatis uncinatisque corporibus concreta haec esse dicat, Cic. Ac. 2, 38, 121: ensis, i. q. harpe, Ov. M. 5, 80 (cf.: ferrum curvo tenus abdidit hamo, id. ib. 4, 720).—II.Trop.: hos ego viscatis hamatisque muneribus non sua promere puto, sed aliena corripere, i. e.
, Plin. Ep. 9, 30, 2 (cf. with hamus, id. Pan. 43 fin.; Mart. 6, 63, 5; v. hamus, I. B. 1. b.).