Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Guardá-re, v. a.
1. to look at, behold, see, perceive, view; 2. to keep, preserve; 3. to guard, defend, keep, look after; 4. to have a care, take heed. Guardate a fatti vostri, mind your business; 5. to consider, reflect, regard, mind, have a regard to; 6. to observe, keep. — le feste, to keep holidays. — in sù, to look up. — in giù, to look down. — attorno, to look round or about. — a traverso, to look askance. — fede, to keep faith or one's promise. — spesa, to be parsimonious. — di, to abstain from. — d'uno, to seek a person with the eyes. — il sopravvento, (naut. t.) to keep the windward or the weather-gage; v. r. to keep on one's guard, to prohibit one's self any thing,s. m. Guardá-tóre, f. Guardá-tríce; adj. Guardá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
guardare: to looke, to view, to behould. Also to guard, to keepe, to defend, to shield. Also to breed, to respect, to ouersee. Also to beware, to consider, to regard, to take heed, to looke vnto. Also to discerne or distinguish. Also to procure or indeuour to doe. Also to abstaine from.