Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Gróssa, s. f.
1. quantity, abundance, a great many, a world; 2. a gross, twelve dozen;3. the main or principal part of a history.Adesso entro nella —, now comes the best. Alla —, coarsely, grossly. Dormir nella —, to sleep the third time (speaking of the silkworm). Dormir nella —, to sleep soundly. — d'un fiume, overflowing of a river.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
grossa: grosse, big, fat. Also with child and big with all. Also course and lumpish. Also the chiefe, or maister-cable in a Ship, an anker-cable. Also a measure, answering our gallon, or foure quarts.