1. great, large, big, huge; 2. full, copious; 3. tall, high; 4. great, extraordinary, wonderful. — di età, old, stricken in years. Figliuolo —, a son grown up; 5. eminent, excelling, superior in quality or station. Venir — in alcuna cosa, to perfect one's self in any thing. Essere — con uno, to be a person's favourite. Avere — animo, noble, courageous, generous. Esser d'animo — contro,to be inimical, hostile to. — cittadino, a noble and powerful citizen. — famiglia, a noble family. Notte, giorno —, a long day or night. Il — dì, the day of judgment. Ora —, a late hour. Passo —, a hasty, hurried step. Verno —, in the heart of winter. Vino —, strong wine. Vita —, a severe, austere, or penitential life. Gran mercato, very cheap. Gran tempo fa, a long while ago. Gran pezzo,a great while; adv. Grand-eménte, sup. Grand-issimaménte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
grande: great, big, huge or large both in quality & quantity, but hauing relation to a man, great in age, of condition, of quality and state, or a man that is mighty in power, or a principall man in authority and riches.