Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Gól-a, s. f. dim. Gól-étta, disp. Gól-áccia,
1. the throat;2. gluttony; 3. lust, unlawful desire, concupiscence;4. appetite, relish for. Questa cosa mi fa —, this makes my mouth water; 5. mouth, entrance; 6. conduit, pipe. — del bastione, the entrance or gorge of a bastion. Gridare quanto se n'ha nella —, to cry out very loud. Essere in — di checchessia, to swim in something, to have great plenty of. E nell'oro a —, he swims in gold. Tu ne menti per la —, you lie in your throat. Aver dolce la —, to have a musical voice. Aver — di checchessia, to desire ardently, long for. Cacciar giù per la —, to swallow up. Parlare in —, to stammer, stutter. Porgere la — al coltello, to die a voluntary death. Alla —, a —, up to the throat.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
gola: the throat, the gorge or gullet of any creature. Also gluttonie.