Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Girá-re, v. n.
1. to turn, roll round, whirl, wheel about, pirouette; 2. to wander about; v. a. 1. to embrace, encompass, surround; 2. to convert, turn, change. — i danari ad uno, to make a remittance. — una cambiale, to endorse a bill of exchange. — largo a canti, to stand upon one's guard. — nella memoria, to remember. Far — il cervello, to drive one mad. Col — degli anni, in course of time. In un — di ciglia, in the twinkling of an eye. — il vascello, (naut. t.) to tack, tack about. — un arco, (arch. t.) to turn an arch; adj. Girá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
girare: to gire, to turne, to twirle, to wind, to wheele or cranckle about or in and out. Also to circumuent or lead about. Also to goe about the bush with one. Also to gad or roue about.