Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Gia-cére, v. n. (pass. giacqui, giacque, giacquero, part. giaciuto,)
1. to lie down, to lie in bed; 2. to sleep; 3. to keep one's bed through indisposition;4. to lie with a woman; 5. to stagnate, to stop or stand as water in a gutter; 6. to depend, consist. In voi giace ogni mia fortuna,all my happiness depends upon you; 7. to be placed or situated. Londra giace alla ripa del Tamigi, London stands upon or is situated on the Thames. Mettersi a —, to stretch one's self at full length; s. m. Gia-citóre,f. Gia-citríce; adj. Gia-cénte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
giacere: or giacéi, giacciúto, to lye downe along. Also to lye or be in bed.