Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Gettá-re, v. a.
1. to throw, fling, cast, hurl.— lagrime, to shed tears. — sospiri, to fetch sighs, to sigh. — le parole al vento, to lament in vain; 2. to cast forth, throw out. — il suo pasto, to vomit up one's food; 3. to waste, squander. — il proprio, to squander one's property; 4. to bring, cause, make, breed, procure. — a terra, to throw or pull down. — via, to throw away. — i fondamenti, to lay the foundations. — odore, to scent, emit a smell. — motto, to mention, talk of. — la scommunica, to hurl an excommunication. — l'abaco, to cast accounts. — un ponte, una volta, to build a bridge, vault, &c. — l'occhio,to look at. — strida, to cry out. — ombra,to cast a shade or shadow. — rossore, to shame, disgrace. — la polvere negli occhi, to throw dust in a person's eyes, deceive him. — la sorte, to cast lots. — a male, to consume, waste. — il tempo, to waste one's time. — i dadi, to throw or cast the dice. — a tergo, to take no account of, not to care for. — buona o mala ragione, to adduce good or bad reasons. — radici, to strike root; 5. to bud, bloom; 6. to cast, melt, cast in a mould or frame. — un cannone, to cast a cannon. — una campana, to cast a bell. — via, to gush forth (as a fountain). — l'inchiostro, to write nonsense; v. r. — al cattivo, to give one's self up to evil courses. — ad una cosa, to addict one's self to a thing. — le cose alle spalle, to abandon, forsake all. — all'avaro, to become avaricious. — al disperato, to form a desperate resolution. — innanzi ad uno, to throw one's self before a person as a suppliant. — in pensieri, to meditate, reflect deeply; s. m.Gettá-tóre , f. Gettá-tríce; adj. Gettá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
gettare: to cast, to throw, to burle, to fling. Also to cast, to found or melt as melters and founders doe. Also to had, to burgeon, to sprout or spring forth<*> vsed also to shoote or <*>art from out any shooting weap<*>.