Germen, gérminis, pen. cor. n. g. Plin. A braunche of a tree or hearbe: ayong spring.Aliena ex arbore germen.Virg.Germina ortorum exuruntur. Plin.
Gérmino, gérminas, pen. cor. germinâre. Pli. To braunch out: to shoute out yong springs.Fœtus in vtero dicitur capillum germinare, quum ei capillus nascitur. Plin. Germinátio ônis, f. g. Verbale. Plin. A springing: a branthing.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
germen, ĭnis, n. [Sanscr. root grabh-, grah-, to conceive; garbh-as, child; whence, bre/fos (for gre/fos), germanus, perh. gremium], a sprig, offshoot, sprout, bud (poet. and in post-Aug. prose). I.Lit.: huc aliena ex arbore germen Includunt, Verg. G. 2, 76: serotino germine malus, tardissimo suber, Plin. 16, 25, 41, 98; Vulg. Deut. 11, 17 et saep.—In plur.: inque novos soles audent se germina tuto Credere, Verg. G. 2, 332; Plin. 18, 10, 21, 94: auctumni maturet germina Virgo,