Gero, geris, gessi, gestum, gérere. Vir. To beare: to carrie: Also to haue: to doe: to execute: to behaue.Gerere rem aliquam.Virg.To doe a thing: vt, Nec tecum talia gessi, &c. Virg.Geri & fieri.Cic.To be wrought and done.Quemadmodum nos aduersus homines geramus. Cicero. How we ought to behaue our selues towarde men. Amicitiã gerere. Ci. To practise friendship to be a friend.Animum laude dignum gerere. Cicero. To haue a courage worthie praise.Animum muliebrem gerete.Cic.To haue a womans heare or stomacke.Bellum gerere.Cic.To make warre.Continenter bellum gerere. Cæsar. Gerere bellum cum Stoicis.Cic.Bene & fœliciter gerere aliquid.Cic.To haue good sntcesse in warre.Gensuram. Plin. To exercise, or be in the Censours office.Consulem.Salust.To be Cousull: to exercise the Consuls office.Gerere Consulatum.Cic. Idem. Pulchertimum factum.Cic.To worke a very noble acte.Fidem sluxam. Plau. To be vnfaithful and vntrustie of promise.Formam alterius.Plaut.To resenible one: to be very like in fauont to one.Honores.Plin. iun.To beare office: to be in high authoritie.Immanitatem beluæ gerit figura homiuis. Cice. Vnder the shape of a man he vseth beastly crueltie.In oculis gerere.Terent. Vide OCVLVS. Ingenium callidum gerete. Plau. To haue a trafrie and subtile witte.Inimicitias.Liu.To beare enmitie or grudge.Inimicitias graues cum aliquo. Cice. To be at great emnitie with one.Muliebres inimicitias gerere cum aliquo. Cice. Veteres inimicitias cum Cæsare gerebant. Cæs. There was olde enmitie betweene Cæsar and theni.Iras gerere.Plaut.To be angrie or displeased.Iram in promptu.Plaut.To be quickely angrie.Magistratum.Cic.To exercise an office: to be an officer.Mamnias. Plin. To haue pappes, ceats, or dugges.Morem.Cic.To obey.Morem animo. Teren. To follow, or satissie his owne fantasie and minde.De ea re gessit morem mihi.Plaut.He obeyed mee or followed my minde in that.Negotium aliquod gerere.Cic.To exploit or do a businesse.Negotium suum cum consilio alterius gerere.Cic.To doe his businesse after an other mans counsaile.Malè gerere negotium. Ci. Negotium otiosè gerere. Ci. Nos aliquod nomenqúe decúsque gessimus. Vit. We were in some renowne and reputation.Odium gerere.Liu.To bzare hatred or rancor: to hate one.Onus morsu gerere. Plin. To beare a burden with his teeth, or in his mouth.Partum. Plin. To be great with child.Personam aliquam. Ci. To be in some maner of state or profestion of life.Præ se gerit quandam vtilitatem hæc res. Cice. This matter seemeth at the first to haue a certaine profite.Coniecturam perspicuam præ se gerie affectionis ratio. Ci. The nature of the affection giueth a plaine coniecture of what sort it is.Personam ciuitatis. Cice. To represent the state and person of a whole citie.Potestatem.Cic. Prælia. Ouid.Præturam.Plaut.To be pretour.Priuatim aliquid gerere.Cic.To do priuately.Pudorem Plaut.To be bashfull.Pugnas. Claud. To make battell.Rem aliquam.To do a thing.Occepi obseruare quam rem gerant.Reuiso quidnam Chærea hic rerum gerat. Ter. What Chærea doth here, or what he is doing.Scio quam rem geram. Plau. I know what I wil do.Gerere & administrare rem aut negotium aliquod. Cicero. Bene rem suam gerere.Plaut.With paine and commoditie to husbande his affaires.Cum cuta rem gerere.Plaut.To doe a thing diligently and circumspectly.Bene rem gerere, salutationis loco positum. Hor. Decompacto rem gerer. Plaut.To doe a thing of purpose as they were agreed.Ex sententia rem aliquam gerere.Cic.To do a thing as one would wish himselfe.Fœliciter & ex sententia rem gerere.Cic.Leuiter rem gerere. Plin. To at chieut a matter easily.Malè rem gerere. Horat. To handle the matter euill.Rem alicuius gerere malitiosè. Cice. To doe ones businesse malitioutly.Palm rem aliquam gerere.Cic.Res gerere. Plin. Alexandro Magno res ibi gerente. While the great Alexander kept warre there.Alias res geris.Plaut.Thy minde is on other matters: thou thinkest not on that I speake.