Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Fátt-o, s. m. dim. Fátt-eréllo, disp. Fátt-áccio,
1. fact, act, deed, action, business. E stato colto sul —, he was taken in the very act. Andare pe'fatti suoi, to go about one's business. Venire al —, to come to the matter of fact. — d'armi,feat, exploit, achievement; 2. conduct, behaviour, manner of acting, carriage, deportment;3. fact, case, matter, point; 4. the person of whom one speaks. Ho inteso parlare molto male de'fatti vostri, I heard speak very ill of you; 5. a great thing, wonder, something extraordinary. Dal detto al — v'è un gran tratto, saying and doing are two different things. A gran —, very much. Di —, in fact, really. — sta, the most important is .... In sul —, immediately. Essere il —, to be useful. Fare i fatti suoi, to look after one's own interests. Venir —, to succeed, take effect. Entrare ne'fatti d'alcuno, to meddle with other people's affairs.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English