Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Fácc-ia, s. f. dim. Fácc-étta, Fácc-iuóla, aug. Fácc-óne, disp.Fácc-iáccia ,
1. face, visage. Far —, to be bold, to dare. Dire in —, to maintain to one's face. — a —, man to man, face to face. Voltar —, to turn the head, to run away; 2. muzzle or face of a beast; 3. appearance, likelihood, outside show. Ciò ha — di menzogna, that looks like a lie; 4. side, front; 5. (arch. t.) façade, front; 6. the page of a book; 7. impudence.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
faccia: a face, a visage. Also a sight, a countenance, a figure, a forme, a fashion, a proportion, or likenesse and show of any thing. Also let him, or may he doe, cause or make. Also as Facciáta.