Extrémus, pen. pro. Superlatinus ab Exter. The first: the laste: the vttermost: the worst: extreeme: also farre off.Ab extremo. Vide AB. From the first beginning.Cœlum extremum atque vltimum mundi est. Cice. The vtermost.Dies extremus fati.Ouid.The last day.Finis extremus laborum.Virg.The laste ende.Fortuna extrema stare.Cic.Gemitus extremos ciere.Virg.Halitus extremus.Virg.The last breath.Hora extrema.Virg.The laste houre: the honre of death.Extrema hyeme apparuit.Cic.It appeared in the latter ende of winter.Manus extrema non accessit operibus eius. Cicero. Hee did not throughly finishe or make persite his workes.Morte extrema. Virgilius. At the vttermoste pointe of death.Extrema nox.Cic.The latter ende of the night.Pars extrema & conclusio muneris & negotij.Cic.Extrema pueritia miles fuit imperatoris.Cicer.In the latter ende of his childes age, he was a souldiour, &c.Recessu penitus extremo abditus. Seneca. Hid in the vttermost parte of a solitarie place.Spiritum extremum filiorum excipere.Cic.To be with hy children at their death.In extremo spiritu.Cic.Euen at the time of his death.Supplicium extremum.Cic.Death. Ad extremum. Horatius. At the laste: in the ende: nally.Ad extrema descendere. Pollio. Cice. To vse the extreeme remedie. Ad extremum.Liu.In the very top, ende, or point.Vitam adducere in extremum. Tac. To put his life in greate hazarde and daunger.Durare in extremum.Ouid.To continue to the end.Vsque adextrema obstinatus.Tacit.A standing stiffely to the verie ende.Literæ quibus in extremis erat: subscriptum.Cicer.Letters in the ende whereof it was written.In extremo tertio libro scribere. Cice. To write in the latter end of the thirde booke.Extrema cum primis contexere, Vide CONTEXO.Extremum omnium terum, mors.Cicer.Death is ende and last of all things.Summum atque extremum bonorum omnium.Cic.Sed hoc extremum eorum est, postulant vt excipiantur hæc inexplicabilia.Cic.Curarum extrema. Sil. Extremum tunicæ. Plin. The henune or vttermosle border of a coate.Extremo anni.Tacit.In the ende of the yeare. Extremus.Virg.The worste.Extremum ingenium.Liu.An exceeding ill nature. Extremos ad Indos. Hor. Being in the end of the worlde.