Diréctio, ônis, f. g. Verbale. A direction: a straite leading to a thing. vt, Directio ad veritatem. Quint. A leading to truthe.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
dīrectĭo, ōnis, f. [dirigo] (a very rare word). I.A making straight or even, a levelling: plana coagmentorum, Vitr. 7, 3, 5 sq.—B. Concr., a straight line, App. de Mundo, p. 57.—II.Trop.A.A directing, aiming, towards any thing: quaedam rationis ad veritatem, Quint. 3, 6, 30.—B.Righteousness, uprightness, Vulg. Psa. 44, 6; 118, 7.