Digitus, dígiti, pe. cor. f. g. A finger: a fingers breadth.Digito vno ne me attigeris. Ter. Touche me not so muche as with one finger.Gestus digitorum. Quin. The mooning or wagging of.Durati digiti.Ouid.Exiles digiti.Ouid.Sclender.Infamis digitus. Pers. The middle finger.Longi digiti. Catul. Medium digitum alicui porrigere. Mart. To point at one reprochefully, noting him to be vicious and dishonest.Minimus digitus. Plin. Minusculus digitus. Plaut.Molles digiti. Claud. Nudum digitum vocat Iouenalis.That hath not a ring on it.Pingues digiti.Ouid.Primores.Plaut.The toppes of the fingers.Remissi.Ouid. Rubentes. Ouid. Teneri. Catul. Teretes.Ouid.Round and streight.Digitum transuersum non excedere.Not to goe from one fingers breadth.Plaut.-si hercle tu ex isthoc loco Digitum transuorsum excesseris.If thou remooue a fingers breadth out of this place. Digito cœlum attingere, Cic. Vide CAELVM. Digitis extremis attingere aliquod genus vitæ. Id est, breuiter siue. leuiter attingere, quod alis limine salutare dicitur. Cic.Scant to taste or touch a kinde of life.Coeunt digiti.Ouid.Fingers grow togither.Computare digitis, Vide COMPVTO.Concrepare digitis, Vide CONCREPO.To flip with the fingers.Condere digitos in oculos alicuius.Ouid.To thrust out ones eies with his fingers.Digitum contrahere, aut Remittere, contraria. Plin. To hold in the finger, and to stretch out the finger.Demonstrare digito. Quint. To point to or at.Digitum ab aliqua re non discedere. Ci. Not to go a fingers breadth from.Digitum nusquam sententia.Cic.To continue still in hys opinion: not to change it anye thing.Digerere argumenta in digitos, Vide DIGERO.Dimetiri digitis, Vide DIMETIOR.Digitos incidere.Ouid.To cutte.Inquinare digitum! Catul.Insistere digitis, Vide INSISTO.DigitÛ ad fontes intendere. Ci. To point to the fountains.Digiti liuescunt in pedibus. Lucret. The toes waxe wanne.Loqui digitis & nutu.Ouid.Micare digitis, Vide MICO.Monstrari digito. Hor. To be pointed at.Notata charta digitis.Ouid.Paper written on.Ostendere aliquem digitis.Ouid.To point at.Digitum tollere.Cic.To bolde vp the finger, in token that he wil buy the thing, and giue the mony that it is preised at.Digitum tollere, est etiam fauere. Horat. To signifie, fauoure and consent.Ad digitos venire, Vide AD. Digitus, Modulus aquatius, Iulius frontinus, A measure of water.