Dens, dentis, mas. gen. Plaut.A tooth: also euerie thing wherewith an other thing may be holden or plucked out. Somttime a combe.Caua dentium. Plin. Holes in the teeth.Cauernis dentium aliquid indere. Pli. To put somewhat in holow teeth.Crepitus dentium.Cicer.The crashing or chattering of the teeth.Cauere dentium dolores. Plin. To auoide the toothach.Dentium dolores colluere. Plin. To wash aking teeth.Dentium dolorem prohibet. Plini. It preserueth from the toothach.Dentium dolori prosunt laricis folia. Plin. Bee holesome against the toothach.Dolores dentium sedat succus illitus. Pli. The inice annointed, healeth the toothach.Dentium dolorem tollunt caroes cucurbitæ. Plin. Euulsio dentis.Cic.The pulling out of a tooth.Foramen dentium. Celf. A hole in the tooth.Infirmitas dentium. Plin. The wagging or moouing of the teeth not standing fast in the head.Dentrum labefactio. Plin. Making of the teeth to fall.Dentium mobilitates. Plin. Motus dentium stabilire. Plin. To make faste the teeth that do wagge.Stridor dentium. Celf. The crashing of the teeth.Dentium stabilitati essicacissimè subuenit amurca. Plini. Is of great force to fasten the teeth that mooue. Acuri dentes. Plin. Sharp teeth.Auersi.Cic.The foreteeth.Albi.Virg. Atri. Horat. Auido dente conuellere dapes.Ouid.To eate greedily.Boni dentes, Vide BONVS.Candidi. Catul. Candiduli. Cic.Canini. Plin. Dogge teeth.Cariosi & fœtidi. Plin. Rotten and stincking teeth.Cauus dens. Plin. Holow.Dens concauus. Plin. Continui dentes, Vide CONTINEO.Crinales. Claud. The teeth of a combe.Curuus dens. Cels. Defricatus dens vrina. Catul. Degener dens liuoris. Sen. Domito dente fræna premunt leones. Oui. Lions be tamed and brideled.Duriores osse dentes sunt. Cels. Duplices dentes. Plin. Eborei. Martial. Eburnus dens. Claud. A combe of Iuorie.Exerti dentes. Pli. Teeth stãding out the mouth like a bores tuskes. Expolitus dens. Catul. Feri dentes. Lucre. Fœtidi & cariosi. Plin. Firmus dens. Sil. Genuini dentes.Cic.The cheeke teeth.Ieiunis dentibus acer. Hor. Biting eagrely for hunger.Immanes dentes. Claud. Exceeding great teeth.Indi dentes.Ouid.Elephants teeth.Indomiti sunt flammis dentes. Plin. Teeth wil not be hurte with sire.Intimi dentes, qui & Genuini vocãtur. Ci. The cheeke teeth.Inuicti sunt ignibus dÊtes. Plin. The fire cannot hurt teeth.Lasso dente piger. Sene. Lati dentes. Plin. Liuidus dens. Hora. Luridi dentes. Horat. Magnis insignia dentibus ora.Ouid.Dente maledico carpere aliquem.Cic.To speake il by one: to taile.Dens maxillaris. Plin. The cheeke teeth.Mobiles dentes stabilit mytrha. Pl. Staieth wagging teeth.Mobiles dentes sistit succus colocynthidis. Plin. Dens niger. Cels. Nigro dente turpis. Hor. Nigrescentes dentes dentisticio ad colorem reducere. Plini. With a powder to make the teeth white againe.Niueus dens. Oui. White.Numerosus dens.Ouid.A combe.Obliquo dente timendus aper.Ouid.Plani dentes. Plin. Primores. Plin. Pullinos dentes iacere. Plin. To caste his coltes teeth.Dentes putridi.Cic.Rectus dens. Celsus. A straite tooth.Ruricolæ dentes dicuntur Vomeres aratri. Luca. Dens scaber. Cels. Rough.Scabri rubigine dentes.Ouid.Rough and rustie teeth.Serrati dentes, & pectinatim coeuntes. Plin. Sesquipedales. Catul. Sicci. Stat.Solidi dentes, quibus opponÛtur concaui. Pli. Sound teeth.Superiores dentes. Cels. Theoninus dens. Horat. Timendi dentes. Hor. Tomici dentes. Cels. The foure foreteeth that diuide the meate.Triti dentes in querno stipite.Ouid.Vacui.Val. Flac.Teeth hauing nothing to eate.Viperei.Ouidius.Vncis den tibus horrendus draco.Ouid.Vulnificos acuit dentes aper. Sen. Acuere dentes. Hor. To sharpen his teeth.Adurgendus dens digito. Cels. The tooth muste bee thruste with the singer.Afferre dentes in dominum, Vide AFFERO.Amittuntur dentes. Plin. Teeth be lost.Atteruntur dentes vsu. Plin. Teeth are worne with vse.Dentibus auxiliatur succus radicis lapathi. Plin. Cadunt dentes. Plin. Teeth fall.Inuiso carpere dente.Ouid.To speake ill of.Circumpurgare dentem. Celsus. To dresse and make cleane the teeth. Circunradere. Cels. Comprehendit dentem forfex. Cel. The pinsers taketh hold of.Concutere dentem. Celf. To shake or wagge the teeth.Confringitur dens forfice. Cels. The tooth is broken.Cauantur dentes tabe pituitæ. Plin. Teeth are made holow and rotted, &c.Theonino dente circunrodi. Horat. Circunscalpti dentes, dolore liberantur. Pli. WhÊ the gums are opened round about.Circunscarificare dentem. Plin. To scarifie rounde aboute a tooth.Citare dentem. Cels. To plucke out.Colluere dentes. Plin. To wash the teeth.Dentes conficiunt cibum. Plin. The teeth chawe the meate.Confirmat dentes Inula. Plin. Inula fastneth the teeth.Confirmantur dentes ossibus pernarum combustis. Plin. Dentibus in ore constructis manditur, atque ab his extenuatur, & molitur cibus.Cic.Dens corruptus aut fractus. Cels. A rotten or broken tooth.Dentes crepuere retecti. Pers. Hoc est, cum stridore sonuerunt. The teeth crashed.Decidunt dentes anno septimo, alijque sufficiuntur. Pli. Teeth fall, and other grow in their places.Defluunt dentes. Plin. Teeth fall.Denigrare dentes. Plin. To make teeth blacke.Dentes digerunt cibum. Plinius. Teeth diuide and breake meate.Dentes diuidunt escas morsu.Cic.Dolet dens. Cels. The tooth aketh.Edit breuiorem dentÊ longior radix. Cel. The longer roote hath the shorter tooth.Eroduntur dentes. Plin. The teeth be eaten.Erosi dentes. Plin. Eruere dentes. Plin. To pull out.Euellere. Plin. To pull out.Exacuit dentes sus.Virg.Excidit dens. Cels. The tooth falleth.Excipere dentem forfice. Celsus. To take holde of with the pinsars.Excussi dentes.Iuuen.Teeth stricken out.Exesus dens. Cels. Eaten.Dentem eximere. Cels. To pull out.Dentes sine vexatione extrahit radius pastinacæ. Plin. Pulleth out without paine.Dentibus candorem facit origanil. Pli. Maketh teeth white.Fatigare dentem in dente.Ouid.To whette his teeth one against an other.Figere dentes in aliquid. Ou. To take hold of with his teeth.Findere dentem. Cels. Firmat dentes commanducata lapathi radix. Plin. Fastneth.Fouere dentem. Cels. To bathe with warme licour.Frangit dentes & extrahit cedria. Plin. Fricare dentes melle. Pli. Fuscat inertia dentes. Ouid.Gignuntur dentes. Plini. Dens hærens. Cels. A tooth standing faste.Hebetare dentem. Sil. To make dull, or to set on edge as we say.Illidere dentem labellis. Lucret. Incidere ferro dentes.Ouid.To sile the teeth.Increscunt dentes. Cels. The teeth grow.Infricare dentes cinere cornus ceruini. Plin. To rubbe.Irritare dentes. Cels. To mooue the teeth to ake.Iuuat dentes integros illitus cinis vermium terrenorÛ. Plin. Dentes labant. Cels. Teeth fall.Cruento dente lacessitus. Horat. Laniare dentibus aliquid.Virg.To teare with the teeth.Lauare dentes. Catul. Limare. Celius. To file.Dens limandus est, si sit acutior. Celsus. Liuent rubigine dentes. Oui. The teeth are foule and rustie.Sæuo dente mandare aliquid.Ouid.Mereri dentibus. Plin. Inuido dente morderi. Horat. Dentes mouentur. Cels. Mutar homo dentes. Plin. Dens mouet dolores. Cels. The teeth ake.Mutantur dentes homini. Plin. Men chaunge their teeth.Nascuntur dentes. Plin. Cels. Nituntur dentes radicibus. Cels. Be fastened by the rootesNocet dentibus brassica. Plin. Oriuntur dentes. Corn. Cels. Perfricare dentes.Ouid.Petere dente. Horat. To bite at.Præterere dentes. Plin. Prodest dentibus. Plin. Putrescunt dentes. Plin. Recrescunt dentes. Plin. Teeth growe againe.Reficere dentes. Cels. To repaire.Dentium remedium est, corticis platani in aceto decoctum. Plin. Dentibus remedio sunt, panacum radix, &c. Plin. Heale or cure the toothach.Renascuntur dentes. Plin. Rubescunt senecta dentes. Plin. Teeth waxe rustie.Rumpere dentes. Plin. Expulsi salierunt dentes.Stat.Dentes sanat radix anemonæ. Plin. Healeth the toothach.Scalpere dentes penna vulturis. Plin. To scrape or rubbe.Scarificare. Plin. To scarisie and open the gummes aboute the teeth.Seruare dentem. Celsus. To keepe a tooth, and not haue him pulled out.Soluere. Cels. To leuse a tooth.Triplici stant ordine dentes.Ouid.Stridere dentibus. Cels. To crashe with the teeth.Subit dens. Cels. A tooth groweth out or riseth.Superbo dente tangere cibum. Hor. To eate as he disdained or loathed the meate.Candorem trahunt dentes quodam medicamine. Plin. The teeth waxe white.Vinciendi sunt dentes auro. Cels. The teeth must be bound with a threede of golde. Dens.Virg.That whereby any thing is holden.Dente tenaci ancora fundabat naues.Virg. Dens aratri. Colum. The coulter of a plough.Curuus dens.Ouid.The crooked plough share.Durus dens vomeris. Vir. The hard point of a coulter.Vncos dens.Virg. Dentem Saturni, pro Falce posui.Virg.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
dens, dentis (gen. plur. usually dentium, but dentum is approved by Varr. L. L. 7, 38, 67), m. [root in Sanscr. dantas, Gr. o)dou/s, Goth. tunthus, Germ. Zahn, and Engl. tooth; cf. edo, Engl. eat], a tooth.I. Prop.: cui auro dentes juncti escunt, XII. Tab. 10, 9; Plin. 11, 37, 61, 160 sq.; Cels. 8, 1; Cic. N. D. 2, 54; Isid. 11, 1, 52: primores,
the front teeth
, Plin. 7, 16, 15, 68; also called adversi acuti, Cic. N. D. 2, 54: praecisores, Isid. 11, 1, 52; and in beasts: rapaces, Veg. Vet. 6, 1, 1: canini,
the canine teeth, eye-teeth
, Varr. R. R. 2, 7, 3; Cels. 8, 1; Plin. 11, 37, 61, 160; in horses: columellares, Varr. R. R. 2, 7, 2; Plin. 11, 37, 61, 160: maxillares,
the jaw-teeth, grinders
, Cels. 8, 1; called also genuini, Cic. l. l.; and molares, Isid. l. l. et saep.: dentes scalpere, Plin. 30, 4, 9, 27: fricare, id. ib.: scariphare, id. 28, 11, 49, 179; cf. id. 30, 3, 8, 21: mobiles confirmare, id. 28, 11, 49, 178; cf.: mobiles stabilire, id. 32, 7, 26, 80: eximere,
to extract
, Cels. 6, 9; so, evellere, Plin. 30, 3, 8, 25: extrahere, id. 32, 7, 26, 79: excutere, Juv. 16, 10 et saep.: dens Indus, i. e.
the elephant's
, Ov. M. 8, 288; hence for ivory, id. ib. 11, 167; also called dens Libycus, Prop. 2, 31, 12 (3, 29, 12 M.): Numida, Ov. P. 4, 9, 28; and Erythraeus, Mart. 13, 100.—2. Prov. a. Albis dentibus deridere aliquem, i. e. to laugh heartily at a person (so as to show one's teeth), Plaut. Ep. 3, 3, 48.—b. Venire sub dentem, to fall into the jaws, under the clutches of, Petr. 58, 6.—c. Dentem pro dente, tooth for tooth, Vulg. Matt. 5, 38.— B.Meton. of things resembling a tooth, a tooth, point, spike, prong, tine, fluke, etc.: aratri, Col. 2, 4, 6; Verg. G. 2, 423 al.; cf. Varr. L. L. 5, 135 Müll.: (irpicis) acc. to id. ib.: pectinis, id. ib.; Tib. 1, 9, 68: (clavi) id. 1, 2, 18: serrae, Plin. 16, 43, 83, 227; Vitr. 1, 5; cf. Ov. M. 8, 246, and 6, 58; hence, in architecture, the walls indentated like the teeth of a saw, which connected the two main walls, Vitr. 6, 11: forcipis, id. 10, 2: (ancorae) Verg. A. 6, 3; for falx (vinitorum),
the pruning-hook
, id. G. 2, 406 et saep.—II.Trop., the tooth of envy, envy, ill-will: more hominum invident, in conviviis rodunt, in circulis vellicant: non illo inimico sed hoc maledico dente carpunt, Cic. Balb. 26: invidus, Hor. Od. 4, 3, 16: ater, id. Epod. 6, 15.—B.Of a destroying power: leti sub dentibus ipsis, Lucr. 1, 852; cf. of time: vitiataque dentibus aevi consumere omnia, Ov. M. 15, 235; and of water: aqua dentes habet, Petr. 42; of malice: malignitatis dentes vitare, Val. Max. 4, 7, extr. 2.