De, præpositio, ablatino casui seruiens: quæ suo casui sÊper preponitur, aliquando interponitur inter substantiuum & adiectiuum elegantiæ causa. Cic.Of: for.Id nisi graui de causa non fecisser.But for a great cause.De nocte abire. Ter. To depart in the night.De nocte multa exurrexi.Plaut.I rose late in the night.De media nocte missus equitatus. Cæs. At midnight.De nocte vigilare.Cic.To watch in the night.De die potitare Plau.To drinke in the day time.De medio potare die. Horat. From noone forwarde to fal on drinking and bauketting.De die viuere cum perditis.Cicer.To line in the day with, &c.Apparare de die cõuiuium. Ter. Sodenly: the same day without warning.De meo his præceptis nihil nouum apposui. Pl. I haue added nothing of my owne deuise.De tuo istuc addis. Plau. Thou addest this of thy owne phantasie.Olet vnguenta de meo. Ter. He is full of his perfumes at my costes and charges.De nostro sæpe edunt.Plaut.They liue much by our charge: or they haue their meat often at our costes.Quum ante id tempus de suo quisque functus co munere esset.Liu.At his owne costs and charges.De alicuius sententia peccare.Plaut.To offend by ones counsaile or aduise.De sua sententia in Albano monte triumphauit.Plin. iun.Of his owne head without other counsaile.De sua sententia aliquid comminisci.Plaut.To deuise somewhat of his owne braine.De senrentia populi lectus imperator.Liu.By the aduise and consent of the people.De communi sententia aliquid constituere. C. By the aduile of altogither.De sententia alicuius dare. Cicero. To giue according as one counsailed him.De meo consilio.Cic.With my counsaile.Vix tamen sibi de mea voluntare concessum est. Cice. It was scantly graunted at my pleasure. De pro .Cic. Erenim de principio studuit animus occuere magnitudini criminis. From the beginning.De sinistra parte cruti dentes. Plin. Teeth pulled out of % left side. Et si qua sunt de genere eodem. Ci. If there be any other of the same sort. Nam de reducenda, id verò neutiquam honestum esse arbitror. Ter. As touching the bringing of hic againe.Nam de te quidem saris scio, peccando detrimenti nihil fieri potest. Ter. As concerning your selfe, &c.De lanificìo neminem metuo. Pla. As for spinning & carding I feare none. Flebat pater de filij morte.Cic.For his sonnes death.Mittere legatos ad Cæsarem de pace. Cæl. To sende ambassadoures to intreat of peace.Adij te he ri de filia. Ter. I came yesterday to talke with you about your daughter.De regno, De rege sanguinem sundere. Curt. To put himself in daunger: or to shed his bloud for the king. Non bonus est somous homini de prandio.Plaut.Sleepe is not holsome after dinner.Tocum hominem tibi ita trado, de manu vt aiunt, in manum tuam istam.Cic. Consideratè diligentérque nauiges de mense Decembri. C. In the month of December.De summo loco adolescens. Pla. A yong gentleman of a noble house.De summo loco, summóque genere filius.Plaut.De summo loco diues.Plaut. Aedificare de exemplo alteríus. Plautus. To builde after the example of another.De scripto dicere. Ci. To pronounce a thing reading it in his paper. De cætero. Plin. De cætero, in ventre nihil est. As for other matter, &c.De cætero vide an verum sit quod dicis. Seneca. Hereafter or henceforth take heede, &c.De compacto rem aliquam agere, Vide COMPINGO.Ibo de improuiso obuiam. Pla. I will goe meete him sodenly or vnwares to him.-interuenit Homo de improuiso. Ter. There came one in the meane time that they thought not of-de industria fugiebatis. Plautus. Of sette purpose: for the nonce.De intergro. Ter. Ratio de integro ineunda est mihi. I must begin my deuise a fresh, or cleane new from the beginning.De integro incidere in morbum.Cicer.To fal againe into a sicknes.Oriuntur de integro.Cic.Gratulari alicui de integro.Cic.De more.Plin. iun.After the fashion or custome.De nihilo irasci. Plau. To be angry for nothing.Non hoc de nihilo est, quòd Lacbes nunc me cõuentam esse expetit. Ter. It is not without some cause, or there is somewhat in it, that, &c.De præfacili.Plaut.Very easily.Aspice de procul in conspectum. Plau. Looke a farre of.De proximo hic senex. Plau. The old man dwelling hereby.Vna exeuntes hinc video de proximo. Plautus. From bence hereby.De reliquo, si id quod confido fore, dignum eum tua amicitia cognoueris, peto, &c.Cicer.As for the rest: &c.De repente.Cic. Tu de repente erupisses. Sodenly.De subito. Plau. Quid si apud te veniat de subito prandium. Sodenly.De super.Plin. iun. Lapidibus & tegulis de super in terfectus. Couered ouer or on the vpper part. Also from aboue.De tempore. Hirt. Ipse de tÊpore cœnauit. He supped in good season.De transuerso.Cic. Ecce autem de transuerso Lucius. Cæs. vt veniam ad se rogat, in nemus. On the other side.