Daniel, elis, An holie prophete of the tribe of Iuda, a noble mã born, being a yong child, was brought to Babilon, & became a mã of such temperance, % among the Iewes, he was taken to be Enuchus, or a man gelded. Hee continuallye bewayled Hierusalem, and in fastings refrayned all nranner concupiscence. In forme of bodie, he was drie and leane, but in the fauour of God he was beautifull. his prayer he restored Nabuchodonosor to his first figure, where he was transformed of God into a monstrous beast, not withstanding, that a little before, he by the same Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, was throne into a dungeon among hungrie yons, which neuer would touch him to hurte him. He being afterward deliuered, prophecied both of the comming of Christ, and of the Empyres of Babilõ, Media, Persia, Greece, and Romaines: And finallie dyed at Babylon, and there was buried: hee liued before the incarnation of Christe. 619. yeares,
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
Dănĭēl, ēlis, m., the Hebrew prophet, Vulg. Dan. passim, Ezek. 14, 14.