Cuneus, huius cunei, m. gen. Cic.A wedge to cleaue any thing with.Findi cuneis.Virg.To be cleft with.Adactis cuneis gemit robur.Val. Flac.The oke cracked when the wedges were driuen in.Lignum cuneis scindere.Virg.To cleaue wood. Cuncus, per translationem. Li. An array of footmen in battaile wedgewise, sharp before and broad behind, to the end to pierce their enimies.Pugnate cuneis. Quin. Turbati cunei. Virg.Cuneus.Virg.A company of men thicke togither. Cunei. Iuuenal. The coines of walles in building Apud Vitruuium.