Crates, cratis, f. g. Liu.The watling of houses with roddes: also hurdels.Crates sicariæ. Cato. Crates stercorariæ. Cato. Cratibus tecta facta. Liu. Crates.Virg.An harrow or dragge to breake clods.Dentata crates. Plin. An harrow with teeth. Aeratæ crates.Stat. Arbuteæ crates. Virg.Rara crates. Iuuenal. Textæ crates. Hor. Hurdels.Vimineæ crates.Virg.Hurdels.Fauorum crates soluere.Virg. Spinæ crates.Ouid.The chine of the backe. Crates.A grate of yron or woode.Cratícula. læ, f. g. pen. cor. Diminutiuum. Mart. A gredyron.Cratitius. Adiect. Made like hurdels. vt Cratitij parietes. Vitr. Watled walles.
Cratio, cratis, cratire, Vide CRATES. Crauron. A disease in cattell, when by a hoate humour falling into their bodie out of their heades, their lightes doe rotte.
Creo, creas, creâre. Cic.To giue the first being: to create: to make: to ordeine: to beget a childe.Natura fingit homines, & creat.Cic.Creare & gignere.Cic.Genitore dubio creatus.Ouid.Begotten out of wedlocke, or of an vncertaine father.Terra creauit genus humanum. Lucret. Brought forth.De stirpe humili creatus.Ouid.Borne of a base stocke.Aerumnas creare alicui.Plaut.To worke one miscrie.Arbores.Virg.To bring forth trees.Carmina creata de aliquo.Ouid.Verses made.Commoditates creare alicui.Plaut.Consules.Cic.To make or chuse.Dislolutionem stomachi. Plin. To ingender or cause.Ducem gerendo bello.Liu.To make or chuse capitaine.Duritiem. Cels. Errorem. Cic.Fastidium. Plin. To breede or cause lothsomnesse.Fraudem suis cruribus capitíque suo. Plau. To work barme.Fruges. Lucret. Lites creare & serere. Plaut.In vrbe luxuries creatur.Cic.Ryote is ingendred.Magistratuum creare. Cæsar. To ordeine or establish.Pecus creare dicitur ager.Ouid.To breede, ingender, or bring forth.Periculum alicui creare.Cic.To purchase or procure daungerto ons.Portenta. Lcret. Valetudinem aduersam. Cels. To cause sickeuesse.Voluptatem inimicis.Plaut. Vomitum. Plin. Fortes creantur fortibus. Horat. Quæritur vxor pueris creandis. Horatius. He seeketh for a wife, to haue children by.
crātis, is (nom. sing. only Veg. Art. Vet. 1, 56, 5; acc. sing. cratim, Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 65), f. [Sanscr. kart, to spin; cf. crassus], wicker-work, a hurdle. I.Lit.A. In gen. 1.Sing. (rare): flexilis, Plin. 16, 40, 77, 209; 10, 44, 61, 126: juncea, id. 21, 14, 49, 84; Juv. 11, 82.—2.Plur. (so most freq.; and by the ancient gram. sometimes regarded as plur. tantum; v. Neue, Formenl. I. p. 455), Cato, R. R. 10, 2; 11, 4; Verg. A. 11, 64; Hor. Epod. 2, 45; Col. 12, 15, 1 al.—B. Esp. 1.A harrow; sing., Plin. 18, 16, 43, 145; 18, 20, 49, 180; 18, 18, 48, 173.—Plur., Verg. G. 1, 94.—2.A hurdle with which criminals were covered, and on which stones were thrown; sing., Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 65; Liv. 1, 51, 9; 4, 50, 4; Tac. G. 12.—3. Milit., fascines, Caes. B. G. 4, 17; 5, 40; Liv. 10, 38, 5; Tac. A. 1, 68 al. —As a covering for besiegers in attacks, Curt. 5, 3, 7.—4.The ribs of a shield: umbonum, Verg. A. 7, 633; Curt. 10, 2, 23; Sil. 5, 522 sq.—5. = testudo, the interlocked shields of a rank of soldiers, Luc. 3, 485.— II.Transf., a joint, rib, etc.: pectoris, Verg. A. 12, 508: laterum, Ov. M. 12, 370; cf. spinae,