Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Córt-e, s. f. dim. Córt-élla, Córt-icélla, Córt-icína, Córt-icíno,
1. court, court-yard; 2. orchard, garden; 3. palace of a prince; 4. family, suite of a prince.— celeste, paradise; 5. feast, entertainment, banquet. Tener —, to keep open house; 6. court of justice. — di Roma, the holy see.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
corte: a Court or pallace of a Prince, a Court or yard in or about any house. Also a Court of Iustice, a Guild hall or towne house. Also a Court of lusticers, magistrates, or of Aldermen. Also the whole body of Magistrates or officers together. Also a Princes whole family or traine. Also an open house hold or great feasting.