Contactus, Participium. Touched: stained: coloured.Colore croci contactum aliquid. Luc. Died of saffrõ colour.Sale modico contactum. Celf. Corned with a little salt.Contacta halitu animalis res. Plin. A thing that a heast hath breathed on.Cupidinibus nullis cõtactus. Propert. Moued with no lust.Contacta ciuitas rabie.Liu.Attached or infecced with the same rage.Contactus societate.Liu.Contactus religione dies.Liu.Dayes reputed vnfortunate to enterprise any thing.Contactus huius contactus, m. g. Colum. Pli. A touching: carnall dealing.Viriles contactus refugere.Ouid.Oculos contactu dominationis inuiolatos habebamus.Tac. Immundo contactu fœdate aliquid. Virg.Infecti quasivaletudine & contactu.Tacit.