Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Comprénd-ere, v. a. & n. (V. prendere,)
1. to comprehend, conceive, understand; 2. to comprehend, enclose within itself; 3. to comprise in few words; 4. to take; 5. to surprise, seize, catch in the fact; 6. to incorporate; 7. to undertake any thing; 8. (fig.) to afflict, vex;s. m. Comprénd-itóre, f. Comprénd-itríce; adj. Comprénd-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
comprendere: to comprehend, to know, to consider, to conceiue, to iudge or vnderstand in minde. Also to take together, to take in.