Commodùm, Aduerb. Opportuné. Plaut.In good time: leysure or opportunitie: scarcely.Talentum argÊti commodùm magnum inerat in crumena. Plin. As good happe was, there was a talent in my purse.Commodùm obsonare.Plaut.To prepare a banket neyther niggardly nor too wastfully. Commodùm, sequente particula QuÛ, id significat quod vix: vt, Commodùm ad te miseram Demeam, quum Eros ad me venit. Ci. I had scautly sent Demea to you, but that by and by, Eros, &c.Commodùm discesseras heri, quum Trebatius venit.Cicer.Thou wast scantly departed but that, &c.Commodè.Very well: prositably: aptly: handsomely: to ones pay or appetite: conueniently: to the purpose. Flaut. Tuæ memoriæ interpretari æquum censes. p. commodé. Per ironiam dictum. Oh well sayd of you forsooth.Satis commode.Plaut.Very well to the purpose.Commodè in exemplis sequentibus significat Bene, vel potius Optimè, vel Apté.Commodè administrare Remp. Brutus ad Cic.To gonerne the common weale very well.Commodè agere.Cic. Nos commodius agimus. We do better or go more handsome way to worke.Minus commodè audire.Cic.To be ill reported of: to haue a shrewde name.Commodè cadit.Cic.To fall out well.Satis scitè & commodè tempus ad te cepit adeundi.Cic.Hechoose his time to go to you wisely and for his purpose.Commodè cogitare.Terent.Nunquam dices tam commodè: vt, &c.Terent.Thou shalt neuer speake so faire that.Commodè dicere Latiné.Cicer.To vtter in good and puee Latine.Commodè disserere.Cic.Fitly to the purpose.Facis comniodè.Cic.Well done of you.Quod commodè facere possis.Cicer.So much as you may conueniently.Commodè res gerere.Cic. Commodè loqui. Ter. Commodè scribere.Plin. iun.Handsomely.Cogitatè & commodè verba facere.Plaut.Aduisedly and well to the purpose.
Cómmodus, pen. cor. Adiect. Profitable: commodious: pleasaunt: feate: apre: handsome: good to agree with: tractable: easte to be pleased: benigne: humaine: gentle.Sodalibus commodus. Hor. Benigne, curteyse and gentle vnto his fellowes.Commodus capillus.Plaut.A bush trimmed and kempt.Commodus conuiua.Plaut.An honest guest not curious to please.Commodus homo. vt, Commodus conuiua. Plaut.A reasonable man, gentle and tractable.Literæ commodæ.Cic.Such letters as a man desireth.Locus commodior.Ouid.More fit and conuentent.Commoda & faceta est hæc meretrix Ter.A pleasant and mery dame.Stella homini commoda. Prop. A luckie and fortunate star.Nõ commoda terra Baccho.Virg.Not good to plãt vines in.Commoda valetudo. Cels. Good health.Vestis commoda ad cursum.Ouid.Handsome and easie to runne in.