Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Commét-tere, v. a. (V. mettere,)
1. to command, impose, enjoin; 2. to commit, entrust, confide, recommend; 3. to commit, do, perpetrate; 4. to join, enchase, set; v. r. — al giudizio altrui,to trust to the opinion of another; s. m.Commét-titóre , f. Commét-titríce; adj. Commét-ténte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
commettere: to commit some fault or errour. Also to impose, to enioyne, to command or lay a charge vpon. Also to ioyne, to lay, to worke, to knit or set clese together, to incert or enclose. Also to bet or lay a wager. Also to trust, to affie, or put confidence in.