Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Cóma, s. f.
1. hair, head of hair; 2. (gram. t.)comma; 3. (med. t.) coma, morbid sleep.
Cóme, adv.
1. as, the same as, like; 2. how, in what manner. — fate ciò? how do you do that? 3. what, — non volete venire?what, won't you come? 4. as soon as. — più tosto potei, as soon as I could; 5. as, because.— voi siete mio amico, ve lo darò, as your are my friend, I'll give it you; 6. means, course, way. Ditemi il —, tell me how, in what manner;7. provided that, provided. — non vi sia, io ci verrò, provided he is not there, I will come; 8. when. — vedrollo, gli parlerò di voi, when I see him, I'll speak to him of you;9. how, in what degree. Or vedi — io son bella, now see, how beautiful I am; 10. although, notwithstanding; 11. whilst, during.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
coma: a point in an oration or writing called a Comma. Also a man or womans haire of the head. Also the maine of a horse.
come: vsed as a noune substantiue, the meanes, manner, way or fashion how any thing is or may be.