[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service] |
Choice (n.) Act of choosing; the voluntary act of selecting or separating from two or more things that which is preferred; the determination of the mind in preferring one thing to another; election.
Choice (n.) The power or opportunity of choosing; option.
Choice (n.) Care in selecting; judgment or skill in distinguishing what is to be preferred, and in giving a preference; discrimination.
Choice (n.) A sufficient number to choose among.
Choice (n.) The thing or person chosen; that which is approved and selected in preference to others; selection.
Choice (n.) The best part; that which is preferable.
Choice (superl.) Worthly of being chosen or preferred; select; superior; precious; valuable.
Choice (superl.) Preserving or using with care, as valuable; frugal; -- used with of; as, to be choice of time, or of money.
Choice (superl.) Selected with care, and due attention to preference; deliberately chosen.