Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Cessá-re, v. n. to cease, discontinue, to leave off give over, to be at an end, forbear. — dell' operare, to rest. Non —, to continue. Il vento cessa, the wind falls; v. a. to avoid,shun, escape, avert, remove; v. r.
1. to go away from, depart from. — dalla patria,to quit one's country; 2. to discontinue, abstain from, cease. Cessatevi dal ragionare, no more observations. Cessi Dio! tolga Dio! God forbid!s. m. Cessá-tóre, f. Cessá-tríce; adj. Cessá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English