Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Cárr-o, s. m. pl. i, a, dim. Cárr-étto, Cárr-icéllo, Cárr-íno, Cárr-úccio,
1. car, cart, waggon. Mettere il — innanzi i buoi, to put the cart before the horse. — di Boote, Charles's wain, the Great Bear, one of the northern constellations; 2. a cart load.Dare altrui un — di villanie, to insult a person with obscene language; 3. the thickest part of the sail-yard. A —, plentifully, abundantly.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
carro: a cart, a charriot, a wain, a waggon. Also a pageant. Also Charles waine, or the seauen stars about the North star. Also a kind of measure.