Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Capéll-o, s. m. pl. capegli, capei, cape', dim.Capéll-étto , íno, disp. Capéll-áccio,
1. hair, the hair of the head. Questo mi far arriciar i capelli,this makes my hair stand on end. Aver le mani ad uno ne'capelli, to have a person in one's power, under one's thumb. Non torcere un —, not to hurt a hair of one's head. Tornar a —, to the greatest nicety; 2. hair, flue, nap, pile.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
capello: a hat, a hood. Also the dignity or badge of a Cardinall. Also a hawkes hood. Also a couer of a still or limbecke. Also a checke, a tant, a rating or rebuke giuen by one in authority. Fáre vn capello ad vno, to giue one a checke or rebuke. Also as Boccáta.