Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Cánn-a, s. f. dim. Cánn-élla, Cánn-úccia, Cánn-uccína, aug. Cánn-óne,
1. cane, reed; 2. pipe; 3. the throat. — del polmone, the trachea artery; 4. a measure of length; 5. pipe, clyster-pipe; 6. the barrel of a gun; 7. tube, pipe, channel. — d'organo,organ pipe; 8. neck of a bottle; 9. socket of a candlestick.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
canna: any cane or reede. Also an anggling or fishing rod. Also the bore or concauitie of a piece. Also a pipe or gullet to conuey water. Also a flute, a pipe or a recorder. Also a mans throat or vzell pipe. Also a kind of long barrilet. Also the measure called an ell or long yard. Also a fish called in Latin Orcynus.