Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Campán-a, s. f. dim. Campán-élla, Campán-éllo, aug. Campán-óne, disp.Campán-áccia , Campán-áccio,
1. a bell. Suonare le campane,to ring the bells. Aver le campane grosse, to be hard of hearing. Far la — d'un pezzo, to finish a thing off hand, without stopping. Sonar le campane a doppio,to ring a merry peal; (fig.) to strike hard, beat soundly. Argano a —, capstan, windlass;2. a beaked vessel used by distillers;3. the shaft of a column; 4. glass shade, to preserve things from dust. — pneumatica, a diving bell.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
campana: a bell. Also a couer of Limbike. Also a bell-flowre, or kinde of rose.