Camus, cami. Plaut.A bitte: a snaffle: a corde wherwith men ced were bound: a kinde of lottes that iudges vsed, small aboue, and broade beneath: a certayne pipe: a certaine hearbe: an instonment to cary fire in.Cana. Idem quod Canistra.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
camum, i, n., a kind of beer, Dig. 33, 7, 12; Edict. Diocl. p. 28.
cāmus, i, m., = khmo/s (Dor. kamo/s). I.A muzzle for horses (only in eccl. Lat.), Vulg. Psa. 31, 9; Ambros. Hex. 6, 3.— II. Perh. a kind of collar for the neck, Non. p. 200, 16 (Trag. Rel. v. 302 Rib.). cana, Gr. (ka/neon, plur.ka/nea ka/nh, a wicker basket) for canistra, acc. to Paul. ex Fest. p. 45 Müll.