Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Attaccá-re, v. a.
1. to attach, tie, join, unite, fasten. — il fuoco, to set fire to. — i cavalli alla carrozza, to put the horses to the carriage. — gli occhi, gli sguardi sopra qualcheduno, to fix one's eyes upon a person. — lite, to pick a quarrel. Attaccarla a uno, to play a trick upon one. — a Dio, to blaspheme. — in croce,to crucify; 2. to attack, assail, to be the aggressor.— la guerra, to begin war. — un cartello, to stick up a bill or advertisement;v. r. 1. — ad una cosa, to attach one's self to a thing; 2. to strike root. — un male, to catch a disorder. — a'rasoi, to catch at straws (as a drowning man); adj. Attaccá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
attaccare: to tacke, to attache, to cleaue, to ioyne or fasten vnto.