Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Aprí-re, v. a. (pass. aprii, &c., & aper-si, Aprí-se,Aprí-sero , part. aperto)
1. to open, set open, open the door; 2. to cleave, split, divide; 3. to open, extend. — le mani, to be liberal. — la via,to clear the road; 4. to discover, declare, lay open. Che non m'aprite il vostro bisogno? why don't you tell me what you want? — la mente a qualche cosa, to take heed, to be attentive. — gli occhi ad uno, to put on his guard. — bottega, to set up a shop. — casa, to begin housekeeping; v. r. 1. to chap, chink, crack, gape; 2. to open, blow as flowers; s. m. Aprí-tóre,f. Aprí-tríce.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
aprire: to open, to set open. Also to declare, to expound.