[Remark: this dictionary entry has no valid XML/HTML content in database so a text version of this entry is shown.]: <orth>Appeto</orth>, áppetis, pen. corr. appetiui, & appétij per syncopam appetîtuw, pen. prod. appétere. Star. <p> <sense><trans lang="en">To desite much: to go to: to inuade with desire to hurt: to approche, draw neare, or be at haud: sometime to intreate.</trans> <I>Cupidè appetere agros alienos.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Nihil sibi apperit præcipuè Pompeius.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Appetere & deposcere.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Appetere & Declinare, vel Fugere, contraria.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I> Non plus victoria Marcelli Pop.</I> Roma<*>o appetiuit, qum humanitas Syracusanis reseruauit. <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Gette no more to.</trans> <I>Appetere amicitiam alicuias.</I> Cæs. <trans lang="en">Greatly to desire.</trans> <I>Bona.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> Gloriam. <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Inimicitias potentum pro te appetiui.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Non alienam mihi laudem appeto.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Mortem.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Regnum.</I> Cæs. <I>Voluptatem.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Quid sit, quod ad ius pontificiū ciuile appetatis, quero.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Appetere sibi aliquid de præclarissimis artibus.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Appetere quidpiam in aliqua.</I> Mart. <I>Appetere per auaritiam.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To desire couetonsly.</trans> <I> Rursus appetere conditiones, quas reiecimus.</I> Hirt. <trans lang="en">To require againe.</trans> <I> Appetere Europã conatur.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">He endenoureth to assayle.</trans> <I> Os oculósque hostis rostro & vnguibus appetir.</I> <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">With his bill and tallous he assayleth.</trans> <I>Humerum gladio appetir.</I> Cæs. <trans lang="en">He striketh at his shoulder.</trans> <I>Ignominijs omnibus appetirus <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl></I> <I>Appetere ferro, aut lapidibus, aut re alia.</I> Ci. <trans lang="en">To assaile with.</trans> <I>Vita, ferro, arque insidijs appetita.<foreign> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Assayled with.</trans> <foreign lang=la>Appetit me amor.</I> <bibl><author>Plaut.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Dath assaile me.</trans> <I> Appetere dextram osculis.</I> Plin. <trans lang="en">To kisse.</trans> <I> Appetere aliquid manibus.</I> Ci. <trans lang="en">To carch at with his hãds.</trans> <I>Appetere mammam dicitur puer lactens.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To noosell &c the tetre.</trans> <I>Appetere genas vngue.</I> <bibl><author>Ouid.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To scratch.</trans> <I>Comitiorum iam appetebat tempus.</I> <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Approthed.</trans> <I>Dies appetebat septimus.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Was at hand.</trans> <I>Nox appetit.</I> <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">It is almost night.</trans> <I>Ver appetit.</I> Cato. Appetit meridies. Plant. <I>Appetebant fata VeiorÛ.</I> <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">The destinie & ruine drew nie.</trans> <I>Mare terram appetens.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Appetebat iudicij dies.</I> <bibl><author>Plin. iun.</author></bibl> <I> Appeti, Passiuum.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> </sense>