Apex, ápicis. pen. cor. m. g. Virg.The threede in the crowne of a cappe: the creast on the head of any birde: the note of accent ouer a letter: the crowne of the head: the toppe of any thing: a miter: sometime the highest perfection, or chiefe ornament of a thing.Capitis apex. Claud. Apex montis. Sil. Apex salcis.The point of a hooke. Apex. per metaphoram Cic.Apex senectutis, est Authoritas.Regum apices. Horat. The great authoritie.
Apica, pen. cor Plin. A sheepe that hath no wull on his belly.Apiacæ oues.Sheepe of small grouth, bearing little mull.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
ăpex, ĭcis, m. [etym. acc. to Serv. ad Verg. A. 10, 270, and Paul. ex Fest. p. 18 Müll., from apo, to join to, whence aptus; cf. Van. Etym. p. 33], the extreme end of a thing, the point, summit, top (syn.: cacumen, summa, fastigium, culmen, vertex); hence, I.Lit., the small rod at the top of the flamen's cap, wound round with wool, Serv. ad Verg. A. 2, 683; 10, 270.—Hence, II.Transf.A. (As pars pro toto.) The conical cap of the flamen, ornamented with this rod: QVEI. APICEM. INSIGNE. DIALIS. FLAMINIS. GESISTEI, Epitaph. Scip. Grotef. 2, 299: apicem dialem, Liv. 6, 41: apex e capite prolapsus, Val. Max. 1, 1, n. 4.—Hence, of the priesthood itself: homo honestus non apice insignis, Sen. ap. Lact. 17, 6.—B.Any hat or helmet, a crown: ab aquilā Tarquinio apicem impositum putent, Cic. Leg. 1, 1: regum apices, Hor. C. 3, 21, 20: ardet apex capiti, Verg. A. 10, 270; 2, 683.—Of birds, the crest, Plin. 11, 37, 44, 121.—C.A projecting point or summit.1.Lit., of trees: lauri, Verg. A. 7, 66.—Of a headland: sublimis, Juv. 12, 72: montis apex, Sil. 12, 709; so Vulg. Judith, 7, 3.—Of the point of a sickle, Col. 4, 25, 1.—Of the summit of a flame, Ov. M. 10, 279 et saep.—2.Trop., the highest ornament or honor, the crown of a thing: apex est senectutis auctoritas, Cic. Sen. 17, 60: hinc apicem Fortuna sustulit, hic posuisse gaudet, Hor. C. 1, 34, 14.—D. 1.. In gram., the long mark over a vowel, Quint. 1, 7, 2; 1, 4, 10; 1, 5, 23; Victor. p. 2469 P.—Hence, trop.: nullum apicem quaestionis praetermittere, Arn. 3 init.—2.The forms or outlines of the letters: litterarum apices, Gell. 13, 30, 10; 17, 9, 12.—Hence (per synecdochen), E.A letter or any other writing: apicum oblator, Sid. Ep. 6, 8: Augusti apices, i. e.
, Cod. Just. 2, 8, 6 fin.—F. Of the point or apex of a Hebrew letter, put fig. for the least particle, tittle (eccl. Lat.; Gr. h( kerai/a): iota unum aut unus apex non praeteribit a lege, Vulg. Matt. 5, 18; ib. Luc. 16, 17.
ăpīca, ae, f. (sc. ovis) [perh. a)peikw/s, unfit, unnatural], a sheep that has no wool on the belly, Varr. R. R. 2, 2, 3; Plin. 8, 48, 75, 198; Paul. ex Fest. p. 25 Müll.